
One Thing That Keeps All Anxiety Sufferers Stuck
Ever wonder why your anxious and obsessive thinking keeps playing like a feedback loop in your head? Do you want to break the cycle but don’t know how? Do you often feel like it’s hard to be in the present moment? Many people have heard of the term ‘ruminating’ or overthinking and...

Why Eating Disorders are Social Justice Issues
Eating disorders started with racism and sexism.It’s no coincidence that deeming certain body types as ‘good vs. bad’ started during the time when America was colonized and later began the transatlantic slave trade. Controlling women's bodies came about through colonization, when...

Signs and Treatment of Compulsive Exercise
As a society, we are constantly fed messages about exercise always being a health promoting behavior. We receive messages like “No rest days!” “No excuses!” “No pain no gain!” But, just how ‘healthy’ is this? Furthermore, it can be really confusing when you start recovery and you...

Summers in Eating Disorder Recovery
The season of summer can bring out a myriad of emotions for many people. It’s supposed to be the season of celebration, joy, warm weather, long days and nights. It’s the season of travel, family vacations and…lots of pictures. This isn’t always a happy experience for everyone.

Three Reasons You Can’t Stop Binge Eating + What to Do About it
Do you feel out of control around food? Struggle with guilt and shame for not being able to get ‘control’ over your bingeing? Tired of all the hiding, secrets and discomfort that bingeing brings? You are not alone. Binge eating disorder (BED) is a mental health disorder that is the...

Body Image + Social Justice
It’s no secret that the ‘thin ideal’ exists and has been a major factor in influencing body image distress, distortion and disordered eating for decades in Westernized cultures. And, I am here to tell you there is more to the story. Think about the last time you scrolled through social media, watched Netflix or passed by billboard ads down the highway.