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ERP Therapy for OCD

ERP Therapy for OCD

Allyson Inez Ford · Oct 15, 2021 · 4 min read ERP Therapy for OCD If you or someone you know has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), chances are you’ve considered mental health therapy as a treatment option. But not all types of therapy are best suited to help people...
Signs and Treatment of Compulsive Exercise

Signs and Treatment of Compulsive Exercise

Allyson Inez Ford · Aug 03, 2021 · 4 min read Signs and Treatment of Compulsive Exercise As a society, we are constantly fed messages about exercise always being a health promoting behavior. We receive messages like “No rest days!” “No excuses!” “No pain no gain!”...
Summers in Eating Disorder Recovery

Summers in Eating Disorder Recovery

Allyson Inez Ford · Jul 21, 2021 · 4 min read Summers in Eating Disorder Recovery The season of summer can bring out a myriad of emotions for many people. It’s supposed to be the season of celebration, joy, warm weather, long days and nights. It’s the season of...